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Showing posts from September, 2017

Time to blurt.. I mean introduce.. No wait..

Here we go.. If a person were to describe me, I'm pretty sure one of the words that would come up wouldn't be random. However a person who knows me well, and trust me there aren't that many who do, would definitely know how random my thoughts and actions are. Truth be told, I get bored pretty easily and find it hard to concentrate on what the other person is saying. Also, if a thought comes in to mind, I have to get it out through my tongue or use my fingers to type it out. Am I starting a blog for followers? Nope.. I just can't be assed to take out a pen and write. Plus it'll be odd for a 30+ year old to still maintain a diary haha. For now, this was my introduction and you'll be hearing a lot more from me on topics that you can't even fathom. Most of it, I must warn you, will be abusive cause I love to bitch. Till the next post.. be good, be sexy and stay true to yourself! (Psst.. if you guys find out the formula to being true to yourself.. send...