We're flying back tomorrow. I'll be leaving my parents behind yet again to get back to my monotonous routine. Wake up early, get the kids ready for school, drop them off, come back and enjoy a relaxing cup of tea, force myself to exercise, shower and head back to pick the kids up. Feeding, bathing, ensuring they get their homework done, sending them out to play and then bedtime after a quick dinner. It's like my days are set and every morning the same tape starts all over again. I'm not complaining but after a few months I crave a break. A small mini 10 day vacay that helps me relax and unwind. Forget my responsibilities and just let loose. My husband and I chose to travel to Europe this time around. We dropped the kids off at my parents and ran as fast as we could. The problem with being a mom is that even when you're away, you're constantly thinking about your children and in my case my parents too. My two angels are absolute monsters - while my parents are ...
While playing Cluedo on my phone, I received a weird email regarding some blog I started a year ago.. Honestly I had to click on the site to even remember I started this! So much for being active and bitching about the world haha! All this time I've been writing for several blogs and I forgot about my own! Imagine that! Let's get a little dramatic here.. This reminder email opened my eyes. It shook me to my core and reminded me how important it is for me to share my ' random thoughts' with the world! So here's vowing to be more regular and spreading my joy and hate around the globe! Till we meet again. XOXO #fafalogger #daughtysrandomthoughts