While playing Cluedo on my phone, I received a weird email regarding some blog I started a year ago.. Honestly I had to click on the site to even remember I started this!
So much for being active and bitching about the world haha! All this time I've been writing for several blogs and I forgot about my own! Imagine that!
Let's get a little dramatic here.. This reminder email opened my eyes. It shook me to my core and reminded me how important it is for me to share my 'random thoughts' with the world!
So here's vowing to be more regular and spreading my joy and hate around the globe!
Till we meet again. XOXO
#fafalogger #daughtysrandomthoughts
So much for being active and bitching about the world haha! All this time I've been writing for several blogs and I forgot about my own! Imagine that!
Let's get a little dramatic here.. This reminder email opened my eyes. It shook me to my core and reminded me how important it is for me to share my 'random thoughts' with the world!
So here's vowing to be more regular and spreading my joy and hate around the globe!
Till we meet again. XOXO
#fafalogger #daughtysrandomthoughts
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